Sheri Reynolds famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • Ale, man, ale's the stuff to drink for fellows whom it hurts to think.

  • My forgiving you doesn't make my heart hurt less. It takes awhile to heal.

  • Okay. If you want to do this thing with Marcus then fine. I’ll take it and deal with it. But when he hurts you. When he lets you down, I’ll be here. My arms are always open for you to run into. I want you happy and if you think this ***** will make you happy then fine. You need to live a little too. I can’t protect you from everything, but I can be here to hold you when he breaks your heart.

  • He closed his eyes and let out a jagged breath. "Okay." He settled between my legs holding himself over me. "I've never been with a virgin, Eva. I'm going to try real hard not to hurt you." "Will it hurt you?" I asked, thinking about his pained expression when he'd said I was too tight. He smiled, "It's going to be the closest to heaven I'll ever get, baby.

  • Pray, always pray; when sickness wastes thy frame, Prayer brings the healing power of Jesus' name.

  • You slammed my face down on the barbecue grill, now my scars are all healing, but my heart never will.

  • In the midst of the sense of tragedy or loss, sometimes laughter is not only healing, it's a way of experiencing the person that you've lost again.

  • As Hitler himself later enunciated, it matters not how idiotic the creed, what matters is the firmness with which it is enunciated.

  • What matter is the information, not what you think about it.

  • Not knowing how to feed the spirit, we try to muffle its demands in distraction...What matters is that one be for a time inwardly attentive.