Jack Dixon famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • I know that history is simultaneously a bloody mess and a collection of feats so inspiring and amazing they make you proud to share the same DNA structure with the rest of humanity. I know you'd better focus on the good stuff or you're screwed.

  • Focus too much on the near-term and you won't get tomorrow's customers, focus too much on the long-term and you won't get today's.

  • One lesson that every nation can learn from China is to focus more on creating village-level enterprises, quality health services and educational facilities.

  • I was about one drink away from my limit, In came a black dress with a black body in it, She looked so timid, it took me a minute To get her in focus

  • I only want to do better work. That's the focus of my life.

  • There is the good and the bad, the great and the low, the just and the unjust. I swear to you that all that will never change.

  • The trouble with a mask is it never changes

  • Even though I only just found out that I was adopted, God has always known, and he has always loved me. And since that has never changed, therefore nothing has essentially changed. I may not be who I thought I was, but I still am who he says I am. I am more. I am loved. I am his.

  • I've been a Dolphin for 17 years, and I'll be a Dolphin for the rest of my life. That will never change.

  • If you ain't the lead dog, the scenery never changes.

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