David Corbett famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • This is our high calling, to represent Christ, and act in His behalf, and in His character and spirit, under all circumstances and toward all men.

  • I'm a character actor.

  • People are terrified of other people or difficult projects because they tell themselves that they could fail or be rejected. Failure can lead to sorrow, regret, frustration and annoyance-all healthy feelings without which people couldn't exist.

  • The damnable frustration of revenge. Revenge is for dreams...never for reality.

  • I'm just generally hugely frustrated, I'm a very, very frustrated man. I'm just a ball of pent-up frustration.

  • Focus too much on the near-term and you won't get tomorrow's customers, focus too much on the long-term and you won't get today's.

  • No matter what happens, you can get through this day. Inhale. Focus on the word, 'relax. Exhale. Say, 'I can do this!' And then do it.

  • I was about one drink away from my limit, In came a black dress with a black body in it, She looked so timid, it took me a minute To get her in focus

  • Focus attention and energy on making a difference in the lives of others, and success might follow as a by-product.

  • You can ruin anything if you focus at it.